Simple Tips on Writing an Impressive Cover Letter

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Imagine yourself getting a job after a successful interview. Now imagine your resume quietly thrown into the bin. These are the best illustrations of the effects of good and bad cover letters.
Writing a cover letter is a really complicated task, since you have a limited amount of words, and you need to accomplish several goals with one shot. First of all, you have to grab manager’s attention. You also have to impress your reader, and make him or her want to contact you. Generally, this task is somewhat similar to a product sale, since you have to introduce yourself, explain why you’re the best candidate for such a position, and motivate a reader to get more information about you.
Many of those who search for a job are not used to writing cover letters, which makes such a task even more difficult. However, you can use templates, to understand the necessary structure of your letter, and make sure that your thoughts are expressed clearly and persuasively.
Cover Letter Template
Write a subject line, and specify the position you are applying for. Managers must easily understand which job you are looking for.
We suggest you not to start with such words as “Dear Sir…”, since you must indicate who you are talking to. If you don’t know who exactly is a person who will read it, take your time and make a little research, so you could address your salutation to a particular person. This approach will grab attention and show that you take such a task seriously.
Write why you are the best candidate for such a job. Explain a few your skills which you consider the most useful and strong. Try to be specific and clear, your goal is to give information, with no emotions, or unnecessary details. Think about the interview, and explain why a manager should invite you.
Build the middle part of your letter depending on your skills. Explain what you can offer, based on your resume. However, you don’t have to write exactly the same phrases, just pick a few of your biggest achievements, and explain how exactly such an experience can be applied on a certain position. You don’t have to repeat your resume, just choose most important points, and make your reader want to read more. These all will be your second paragraph.
In the third paragraph, explain why you’ve chosen this company, tell what you know about it. Knowing some features of the company, you’ll be able to explain how you can contribute to its goals.
Don’t stop your letter after that. Write a conclusion, summing up your arguments, and reminding your reader about the possibility to meet you and talk to you. Provide managers with your contacts, mention that you’ve added a resume, and always thank your readers for considering you for the job.
We suggest you to include keywords that are present in a description of the job. This option is most important when you publish your resume online. Keywords will help managers find you.
Try to be concise and clear. Your cover letter is not a proper place to demonstrate your writing talent. Keep in mind that managers don’t want to spend a lot of time, reading long letters with a bunch of metaphors. Your cover letter must be easy to read, and informative – otherwise a manager will just stop reading, and move to the next letter. Don’t forget that you’re not the only one looking for this job, so try your best!